The Walking Gay is based on the almost homonymous series created by Robert Kirkman. In The Walking Dead we see what life on Earth is like after a zombie apocalypse - in our case, there is an "outbreak" of homosexual freedom, in which the vast majority of the Earth's population "became" gay. survivors of the epidemic - conservatives, extremist religious, homophobes and false moralists - must now unite to find a new home, away from the threat of the Affected. family from this immorality.
Nando Cunha
Fabiano Cambota
Fernando Farias
Thaís Vidal
Brendo De Lima
Felipe Lima
Ingrid Veríssimo
Hermano Martins
Ana Costa
Ricardo Gomes
Guilherme Cuba
Pipo Menegucci
Mariá Guedes
Liz Mantovani
Barbara Lodi
Thiago Montenegro
Rubens Macedo
Hugo Eduardo
Director, Writer
Fernando Farias
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