The golden duo of Yoshitaro Mura and Kiyoshi Atsumi brings you a full-on comedy filled with laughter and melancholy set in Kitakyushu. Matsujiro Minamida (Atsumi) plays an uneducated and uncouth local troublemaker who becomes the talk of the town following an unexpected incident.
Kiyoshi Atsumi
Matsujiro Minamida
Hiroyuki Nagato
Ainosuke Yamaguchi
Shima Iwashita
Shizuko Yamaguchi
Junzaburō Ban
Tatsuyoshi Harada
Kana Nakagawa
Tomoe Harada
Yoshiko Kayama
Wakamatsu Rose
Ichirō Zaitsu
Newspaper reporter
Director, Screenplay
Yoshitaro Nomura
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