The Secret Policeman's Ball 2008 was a show in the "Secret Policeman's Balls" series of benefit shows for Amnesty International. Like its immediate predecessor, the show was a single-night event at London's Royal Albert Hall, on Saturday 4 October 2008. The 3-hour event was video-taped and a 95-minute television special adapted from the show was broadcast the following day, on Britain's Channel Four. There was also a "cinecast" in which the Royal Albert Hall event was shown live in 35 cinemas in major British cities.
Matt Berry
Alan Carr
James Corden
Fearne Cotton
Mathew Horne
Eddie Izzard
Shaparak Khorsandi
Sean Lock
Jason Manford
David Mitchell
Graham Norton
Chris O'Dowd
Katherine Parkinson
Russell Peters
Kristen Schaal
Frank Skinner
Robert Webb
Russell Howard
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