In the scandalous town of Trillberry, where gossip and sex scandals run rampant, chaos ensues when the infamous serial killer Mophet the Prophet returns on a mission to rid the world of gay twinks. As fear grips the town, a group of film students, led by the virginal protagonist Cameron, find themselves at the center of the madness. With their eccentric teacher Oscar - a washed-up filmmaker with a colorful past - by their side, Cameron and his tight-knit friends must navigate a landscape of absurdity and danger as they confront the unhinged killer terrorizing their community. As the body count rises, Cameron is forced to confront his own identity and desires, grappling with the question of "who's my daddy" amidst the chaos.
Jake Leahy
Robert Jerome Pagan
Regg Davidson
Cole Koscheka
Elijah Macias
Yaya Muñoz
Jeremiah Luna
Tyler King
Bud Crane
Stephanie Braxton
Appolo Rodriguez
Joseph Ayala
Jim Kocher
Frida Gonzalez
Geovani Sandoval
Justin P. Lopez
Zolboo Namkhaidorj
Matthew Hofstad
Sebastien Severin
Laurent J.L. Hall
Director, Writer
Robert Jerome Pagan
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