Peter Parker lives between two worlds: his normal life and his life as a superhero in New York, being Spider-Man. As these two lives converge more and more, Peter will have to decide between continuing his mission as a superhero, or giving it all up for a better life. Eventually, Peter gives in to the weight of his responsibilities, abandoning the mantle of Spider-Man, but the consequences of this loss for the city are too great to ignore, and he understands that he cannot turn his back on the people, because with great power comes great responsibility.
Matheus Luiz
Peter Parker/Homem-Aranha
Beatriz Souza
Mary Jane
André Arruda
Harry Osborn
Gerson Faria
J. J. Jameson
Gabriel Augusto
Tio Ben
Carol Costa
Tia May
João Almeida
Diego Fernandes
Figurante 2
Danilo Henrique
Assaltante; Figurante
Director, Writer
João Almeida
Director, Writers' Assistant
Matheus Luiz
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