A mysterious serial killer has violently claimed the lives of five random residents in the small town of Yakima, Washington. Then all goes silent. Five years later, a former resident, Joseph Givens, returns after trying to better himself, and shake the demons that consumed his teenage years. And almost like a trigger, his return sparks a new series of brutal crimes. Joseph is being stalked and the people around him are being hunted by a madman wearing a tattered pumpkin mask and wielding a sharp knife. Inspired by the great slasher movies of the 80's and 90's, CHEATER, CHEATER delivers a suspenseful and thrilling mystery that will keep you guessing until its surprising conclusion.
Cody Troy
Joseph Givens
Emmanuel Flores
Peter Kerns
Andy Mendoza
Frank Kerns
Alejandra Martinez
Amber Calvin
Andy Martinez
Shane Bowers
Brendan Parker
Milton Sims
Josh Hodgins
Logan Wist
Gracie Miller
Rose Wist
Del Kary
Roy Givens
Katherine Hinkle
Sonia Givens
Alyssah Janey
Heidi Alvord
Mrs. Carpenter
Illiana Hodgins
Trick or Treater
Yesenia Albarran
Emma Wist
Michael Boyer
Police Officer
Thomas Hinkle
Haley Aho
News Reporter
Alondra Zaragoza
Motel Clerk
Ember Toth
Woman Customer/ First Victim
Brooklyn Paschen
Store Customer
Donnie Foster
Restaurant Worker #1
Staci Sainsbury
Restaurant Worker #2
Cecilia Galinda
Restaurant Customer
Alyssa Herr
Assaulted Woman
Sabrina Anderson
AA Attendee
Josh Hyland
AA Attendee
Leah Sundquist
AA Attendee
Josh Stiner
AA Attendee
Jennifer Hill
AA Attendee
Michelle Stiner
AA Attendee
Director, Writer
Del Kary
Scott Donnelly
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