In this gentrified Harlem dramedy series, Somalia LaMine, a Black deaf fashion designer, pop-up store owner, and TikTok influencer experiences new challenges and hilarious situations associated with the pressures and demands of a Gen Z era.
Katrina Nicole Parker
Somalia La'Mine
Gabriel Silva
Hennessy 'Honey' Taino
Juana Aguilar
Sarita Pagen
Artimes Salazar
Julian Henderson
Jovan Andre
Tasia Jacobs
Lesbian Lover
Monie Gwaltney
Fatima Grace
Gabrielle Cajas
Mara Mendez
Shanika Hewitt
Stormi Wesley
D'bora Ware
Petra Wentworth
Kevin Way Jr.
Bill Harvey
Tyson Love
Brandon Gambi
Lanetra Williams
Mona La'Mine
Ambrosia Ferguson
Sudan La'Mine
Palmer Ashe III
Haywood Moore
Josue Ledesma
Carlito Taino
Director, Writer
Jade Bryan
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