Summer Cumming's critically acclaimed series continues with the third installment, "Alice In Summerland". This time Summer plays the part of Alice, a naughty blonde who finds herself chasing a bad bunny down a dark hole - and winds up in a fetish fairy land! First, she seduces the randy rabbit and plays some bunny bondage games with him. Next, Alice strolls into the forest, where she finds a dirty kitty who has a craving for Alice's tasty tootsie's. Then, Alice meets up with an inebriated caterpillar with a smoking fetish. Ultimately, Alice falls into the hands and breasts of the raven-haired Domme Queen, who introduces Alice to a smorgasbord of fetish fantasies. Is it a dream or is Alice really trapped in Summerland?
Summer Cummings
Dik Silver
The White Rabbit
Peter Pownderass
The Shire Cat
Johnny Roxxx
The Caterpillar
Dahlia Dark
The Queen of Hearts
Director, Writer
Summer Cummings
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