Kuyashii Gonzo: Blood Visions and Chaos Magic is a Gonzo documentary about trying to make a no-budget feature film against the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment, and death. To never give up, no matter how hard things get.
Jeff Frumess
Matthew Ritacco
Chris La Vigna
Nathan Ludwig
Bob Rose
Jack Wheeler
Nathan Abramson
Renee Mandel
Jeannine Frumess
Candy Fox
Nick Bohun
Tristan Leclere
Zack Spicehandler
Jeremy Spicehandler
Dave Street
Gregory "The Bankrobber" Anderson
Tim Deery
Brandon "Bones" Parker
Anthony Malchar
Jeffrey Alan Solomon
Peter Hamernick
Kevin Meaux
Director, Writer
Jeff Frumess
Writers' Production
Richard Vaine
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