Tells the story of two groups of children who are playing a traditional game of war to defend the borders of a country which must not be moved even 1 centimeter. The excitement of these two camps catching and attacking each other uses wooden weapons and water bombs. Against the background of racial and religious diversity, this educational film is very much about the value of nationalism, how these children maintain existing differences by fighting for the same goals.
Raihan Firjatullah Valendiaz
Ovellia Angeline Yan
Icha Lubis
Mufty A Leatemia
Rhevany Aquina Shanum
Aidil Fitrah Ghassani
Destyn Clara Sinaga
Raisa Asahy Hsb
Cinta Adawiyatur Rahma
Rony Hafiz
Bobby Nasution
Director, Writer
Dedy Arliansyah Siregar
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