The ennui of a filmmaker, trapped between aspiration and reality, frames Lana Jing’s quirky, sarcastic, and cinematic-joke filled quarter-life crisis. At her lecture hall job, where aging white men wax on, self-involved, Lana accidentally frames her friend and co-worker when she destroys the only copy of an aging tech-bro’s high-profile lecture. Lana is forced to navigate stop motion animation, a secret admirer, and terrible bridge traffic to sort out a way forward to her destiny… kinda.
Sarah Lee
Lana K. Jing
Anna Marie Sharpe
Monica Walker
Davied Morales
Burd Juarez
Chris Morrell
Michael Stevens
Kelechi Nwadibia
Will Johnson
Katherine Park
Chesi Ho
Candace Jing
Jerry McDaniel
Lecturer 3
Griffin Daley
Lecturer 1
Tom E. Brown
Lecturer 4
J. Hugo Fat
Lecturer 5
Hugh Macalister
Lecturer 7
Adam Thayer
Lecturer 9
Danielle Bacanskas
Mike Sweetland
Lecturer 10
Edwin Richards
Lecturer 2
Joshua Kerns
Random Guy
Tanya Yek
Director, Writer
Alex Zajicek
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