In January 2009, the Korean historical fantasy/drama The Legend, featuring Bae Yong Joon, having been turned into a Takarazuka-style musical by playwright and director Koike Shuuichirou, was performed by Flower Troupe and attracted a lot of attention. The story takes place at the time when the protagonist became the king of Gouryeo, which existed on the Korean Peninsula from the era before Christ until the 7th century. It tells of a repeating fate and agonizing love that has lived on for thousands of years. This time, it will be brought to the stage in a new version by a new Star Troupe led by Yuzuki Reon.
Reon Yuzuki
Makaze Suzuho
Yumesaki Nene
Aono Yuki
Kaname Ouki
Mao Yuuki
Itsuki Chihiro
Aomi Rima
Mari Yuzumi
Shirotae Natsu
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