The movie mainly revolves around four characters with the protagonist being farmer Jeet Brar, who is also a `kisaan` leader. The four youngsters get involved with a corrupt politician Sardar Harmail Singh and get involved in crime and violence. They have no goals of their own. There is a love tringle introduced with two of the men and Neeru, the daughter of an NRI, who is forbidden from meeting the group by her father. A virtuous journalist called Sarabjit is on Harmail Singh`s trail, as he wants to expose the truth to the people of the state. What happens when he persists? Will love beat crime?
Mika Singh
Kartar Cheema
Kashish Dhanoyaa
Yaad Garewal
B.N. Sharma
Sardar Sohi
Hardeep Gill
Victor John
Jatinder Mauhar
Jatinder Mauhar
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