This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
Michael Catalano
Charlie Brown (voice)
Angela Lee Sloan
Lucy van Pelt (voice)
Rocky Reilly
Linus van Pelt (voice)
Cindi Reilly
Sally Brown (voice)
Brent Hauer
Peppermint Patty (voice)
Michael Dockery
Marcie (voice)
Brad Schacter
Schroeder (voice)
Brian Jackson
Camp Kids (voice)
Jason Castellano
Camp Kids (voice)
Gerard Goyette Jr.
Caddymaster (voice)
Jenny Lewis
Ruby (voice)
Johnny Graves
Austin (voice)
Joel Graves
Leland (voice)
Jason Mendelson
Milo (voice)
Kevin Brando
Camp Kids (voice)
Brandon Crane
Camp Kids (voice) (uncredited)
John Hiestand
Announcer (voice) (uncredited)
Bill Melendez
Snoopy / Woodstock (voice) (uncredited)
Bill Melendez
Charles M. Schulz
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