Using the unexplored and often tough neighborhoods of Hawai'i as a backdrop, Growing Up Local uncovers a boy’s struggle to establish his identity beyond his father’s fists and his loyalty to his friends. The tale of Stanley explores three generations of the Nagata family, and tells the universal story of the conflict between father and a son and the expectations and burdens that are passed on from generation to generation.
Albert Ueligitone
Henry Nagata
Makoa Sanchez
Stanley Nagata
Darin Fujimori
Masato Nagata
Thiessen Wright
Kawika Nobriga
Ocean Rea
Eva Costa
Natalie Young Albanese
Stephanie Chun
Auli'i Kahalepauole
Ana Garcia
Arianna Chenoa
Emily Nagata
Rustin Kauhane
Young Henry
Drae Saya
Felipe Galang
Isaiah Jones Timson
Fred Medeiros
Daryl Bonilla
John Nobriga
Alexander Canicosa-Miles
Bobby Castro
Mark Medeiros
Luis Castro
Pualalea Panaewa
Leimomi Costa
Margaret Pearlman
Ellen Costa
Blaze Laniola Cosner
Lars Pule
Roberto Sepulveda
Mr. Lam
Devon Nekoba
Ryan Ng
Matthew Kukla
Richard Barker
Director, Writer
James Sereno
Stuart Ching
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