During WWII, an American soldier, Doug Wilson, has been captured by the nefarious Germans. The German general, Franz Lieber, has tasked his scientist with experimenting on Wilson deep underground in a place known as Bunker Nordosten. However, as the war reaches its end, Franz Lieber orders for Doug Wilson's execution. Through the cold German air, Wilson is dragged into a field and is tied down to a post, while the German firing squad awaits their orders. Doug Wilson's fate now rests within the hands of Franz Lieber and his German soldiers.
Michael Grudis
Doug Wilson
Jayden Lyon
Franz Lieber
Josiah Baker
German Scientist / Soldier 2
Anthony Acquisto
German Scientist / Soldier 1
Sebastian Minton
German Scientist
Director, Writer
Nathan Allgeier
Director, Writer
Louis Buonaiuto
Director, Writer
Zach Amrhien
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