Kiyoyoshi Kuga attends law school, aiming to work in the legal field as a lawyer. His childhood friend Mirei Orimoto also attends the same law school. One day, a leaflet is distributed by an anonymous person at their law school. The leaflet makes accusations about the past of Kiyoyoshi Kuga and Mirei Orimoto. Soon, unpleasant cases takes place around them. Kiyoyoshi Kuga talks to Kaoru Yuki, who is an extremely smart classmate and in charge of the mock trials. These three people chase after the truth, but they face an unexpected situation.
Ren Nagase
Kiyoyoshi Kuga
Hana Sugisaki
Mirei Orimoto
Takumi Kitamura
Kaoru Yuki
Akira Emoto
Namase Katsuhisa
Michitaka Tsutsui
Nao Ômori
Junki Tozuka
Yudai Toyoda
Yashiro Kohei
Yoshihiro Fukagawa
Ritsuto Igarashi
Saya Matsuda
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