The story of three brothers who, after loosing their parents in the Great Kanto Earthquake, continued their respective yakuza family business and the revenge of the youngest one when his siblings were killed by a rival vicious yakuza boss. The first in the two part Daimon series.
Hideki Takahashi
Tetsugoro Nonaka
Yumiko Nogawa
Ocho Ageha
Shigeru Tsuyuguchi
Tetsujiro Nonaka
Yoshirō Aoki
Tetsutaro Nonaka
Ryôhei Uchida
Keita Fuse
Ichirō Sugai
Kinosuke Aoi
Tōru Abe
Yoshiichiro Omori
Shōki Fukae
Honma Ginzo
Keisuke Noro
Shirō Yanase
Hampa Matsu
Hiroshi Kondō
Major Muto
Yuzo Kiura
Akinori Matsuo
Seiji Hoshikawa
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