A troubled teenager spends the summer with his grandfather in the Ozarks, where he’s free from his mother, but not her painful past.
John Stiritz
Carson Mitchell
Spring Hunter
Larissa Ware
Tyler Winn
Heather Steadham
Judy Crum
Jeanette Harding
Jeannie Horton
Shirley Phipps
Dan Ellis
Pastor Harding
Steve Parham
Harold Boone
Kristan Roberts
Miss Stanton
Jana Hefner
Kay Mullins
Lene Sutterfield
Grandma Stanton
Aaron Wilson
Doc Roberts
Sally Wilson
Minnie Anderson
Joanne Rines
Franny Lambert
Lisa Ellis
Wanda Rose
Amanda Mullen
Emily's Photo Double
Justin Blake Crum
Justin Blake Crum
August 20, 2024
Hello everyone. I'm very familiar with some of the person's in this movie. LaRissa Wares father fathered her with Melanie when he was only 12 years old. And Melanie was old enough to know better. Melanie Ware currently has A LOT of porn videos online which just happens to incest porn of all things. Spring Hunter, who I see has removed her picture has things online which I'm quite sure she wouldn't want just anyone seeing. And Law Enforcement is covering the whole thing up. A Social Security Rep. connected to these people currently has a child fathered by a 12 year old boy. There are many many others connected to this whole sickening ordeal. Parents that share their children with other parents. A downright sick twisted lifestyle.