Sam is a gifted young dancer whose world spirals after an unexpected, life-changing event. Sam walks away from dancing and ballet, but the art form is in her blood, and she can’t resist the temptation to return. Life eventually leads Sam back to her old dance school – but not as a dancer. An old rival, a long-time crush, and her former dance teacher guide Sam back to what she loves most, but ultimately, it’s her own emotions and fears that she must confront to reignite her deep passion for dance.
Juliet Doherty
Lauren Esposito
Joel Burke
Ben Shelby
Carolyn Bock
Miss Harlow
Primrose Kern
Mietta White
Ashleigh Rose
Nicholas Andrianakos
Laura New
Jennifer Cavanaugh
Daniel Clements
Annie Cavanaugh
Kathy Luu
Adam Hedditch
Bryan Cavanaugh
Deng Deng
Joanne Samuel
Jesse Ahern
John Banas
Peter McLeod
Zachary Layner
August 31, 2023
"Sam" (Juliet Doherty) is about to take the stage at the renowned "Harlow" ballet stage for her first leading solo when her sister - another accomplished dancer - whom she is chatting to on the phone steps out in front of a car. Needless to say, this is pretty devastating and turns this girl into a bored and rudderless character who hangs out with her friend "Eve" (Lauren Esposito) and engages in petty crime. Her parents are at their wits end, so they get her a cleaning job at the ballet school. The rest of this is all very predictable, but when there is some actual dancing - especially with her athletic leading man 'Ben" (Joel Burke) - then this film actually comes alive a bit. The use of the classical score also sounds great with cinema audio and the photography of the routines is genuinely quite stylishly effective. Thing is, there is nowhere near enough dancing and the loosest of connections with the original "Red Shoes" story is underplayed and tangential in the extreme. For the most part this is a rather plodding melodrama with a cast of mediocre acting talent delivering a wishy washy family drama. It's the second film in as many days that I've seen in a cinema by myself - and whilst it's not that bad, it did make me wonder why it got a cinema release at all.