Famed hero and adventurer Hank Danger leads an expedition to the Jungle Planet to retrieve a powerful energy source and winds up leading a revolution against the oppressive Robot Tribe and their evil Potentate Boltron.
Scott Merriman
Hank Danger
Liz Merriman
Elsie Coli
Arlie Hammons
Dr. Ingmar Bork
Heather Nelson
Richard Raphael
Potentate Boltron
Dax Spanogle
Captain Norville H. Stoutheart
Dax Spanogle
High Priest Clerton
Robert William Ford
Jessica Rogers
The Space Mummy
Lynn Montgomery
The Squad Captain
Diane Kowalski
Alex R. Page
Robot Hand Maiden
Director, Writer
Joshua Courtade
Diane Kowalski
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