A DHMIS short film that premiered in 2019 at the Sundance Film Festival and was originally pitched as a pilot of Pelling, Sloan, and Terry's 2022 TV show. Though, feeling the Clayhill setting made the series too similar to South Park, and came at the cost of the claustrophobia of the original series, it was scrapped and since been removed from festival circulation. The tester was only shared in a few private premieres, but clips have turned up online over the years.
Joseph Pelling
Red Guy (voice)
Becky Sloan
Mrs. Grenald / Ladder / Tree (voice)
Baker Terry
Yellow Guy / Duck / Mayor Pigface / Additional Voices (voice)
Joseph Pelling
Becky Sloan
Baker Terry
December 8, 2023
even tho this pilot is not out to the public in it's entirety,we can say with what we have that the original idea for the "don't hug me i'm scared" tv show was pretty dissapoiting,focusing more on the comedy than the gory horror that the original videos had,comedy which is extremely dated and dosen't feel like dhims at all,feeling more like a mix between sesame street and south park.
even the horror parts were pretty lame,not being scary at all. this sadly feels more like a ripoff with more budget of the original idea more than an adaptation of it into the screen.
clearly not everything on this is that bad,the production desing,the puppetry,the voice acting. all of those aspects are really great,but coming from becky and joe,thats something you expect from them,and even that dosen't make me see the flaws of the screenplay
if this is what we were going to get,i'm glad the show vanish clayhill from it's existence
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